SAVE up to 20% on Electric BILLS with Our POWER FACTOR Correction Panels

As experts electrical panels builders, we understand the critical role of safe, efficient and energy-saving electrical systems

power factor correction panel in nigeria

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How does the Power Factor Correction Panel Work?

In electrical systems, not all the power is used for useful work. Some power is consumed to maintain the electromagnetic field in inductive loads like motors, transformers, and fluorescent lighting. This is called reactive power.

Reactive power does not perform any useful work, but it still needs to be supplied by the power utility, leading to inefficient use of electricity. Power factor correction panels are designed to reduce the amount of reactive power drawn from the electrical grid.

They typically use capacitors to cancel out the lagging reactive power drawn by inductive loads.

By doing so, they improve the power factor closer to 1, which means more of the supplied power is used for useful work.

Benefits of using a power factor correction Panel

  • Increased Load Capabilities in Existing Circuits

The reduction in current flow resulting from an improved power factor allows the circuit to carry new loads, saving the cost of upgrading the distribution network when extra capacity is required for additional machinery or equipment.

  • Improved Voltage

A lower power factor causes a higher current flow for a given load. As the line current increases, the voltage drop in the conductor increases, resulting in a lower voltage at the equipment. With an improved power factor, the voltage drop in the conductor is reduced, improving the voltage of the equipment.

  • Reduced Power System Losses

The reduction in power loss from installing a power factor panel is sometimes an attractive additional benefit; especially in older plants with long feeders or in field pumping operations.

  • Reduced Demand Charges

Improving the power factor through the power factor correction panel will lower the demand charge, helping to reduce your electricity bill.

How much Power can the Power Factor Correction Panel Save?

Our cutting-edge panels are is designed to optimize your power consumption, and the results are nothing short of astonishing. With its innovative technology, it can slash your electricity bills by an impressive 10%-25%.

Imagine what you could do with those extra savings! Don't wait to reap these benefits in your plant.

Where can use the Power Factor Correction Panel be used?

  • Large Industrial Facilities:

Industries with a high concentration of inductive loads, such as manufacturing plants, chemical processing, mining operations, and steel mills, typically have a lower power factor.

  • Commercial Buildings:

Large commercial buildings, such as shopping malls, hospitals, and office complexes, often have numerous motors, air conditioning systems, and other inductive loads. Power factor correction can help these facilities reduce electricity costs and minimize demand charges.

  • Water Treatment Plants:

Municipal water treatment facilities typically use a significant number of pumps, motors, and other inductive loads. Power factor correction can enhance the efficiency of these operations and reduce energy costs.

If your business relies heavily on grid power, and you are tired of sky-high electricity bills eating into your profits.

Then, it's time to take control of your power costs and unlock the true potential of your enterprise.

Our Power Factor Correction Panel is your game-changer. request a power factor correction quote today!

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